Restore Javaid Masih’s Ability to Walk

Restore Javaid Masih’s Ability to Walk

0% Complete (success)
£ 414.66 Required
0 Raised
£ 414.66 Remaining

Javaid Masih's Story

Javaid Masih, a 49-year-old man from Lahore, suffers from a challenging moment in his life. He had high-risk diabetes and his left leg got infected. He consulted a doctor, who, after a thorough examination, decided to amputate his left leg above the knee. Since then, Javaid’s life has been filled with hardships and challenges and he struggles to carry out even minor tasks. His disability has taken a toll on his emotional and physical health. His doctor recommended a left-above-knee prosthesis to restore his mobility and independence. However, the cost of this prosthesis is beyond Javaid’s financial capacity.

Javaid dreams of getting back his mobility and standing on his two feet. Without an artificial leg, Javaid faces a future of dependency on others and despair. Simple tasks like walking around the home, and getting in and out of bed, have become increasingly difficult for him.

Javaid lives in a modest two-room rented house with his wife and three daughters. He works as a sweeper and makes PKR 35000 monthly. He hardly manages to pay PKR 6000 in house rent and PKR 5000 for his daughters’ educational expenses. Moreover, utility bills and grocery expenses stretch the family’s financial situation, leaving no room for savings to pay for the prosthetic leg. During this challenging time, Javaid’s family reached out to Transparent Hands and asked us for help.

Javaid said with tears in his eyes:

“I wish I could afford my artificial leg. It feels like my future is slipping away. Each day brings new challenges, and I’m terrified of what lies ahead. I need your help desperately. All I want is to live a normal and independent life again. Please help me.”

An artificial leg would transform Javaid’s life. It would allow him to regain his independence and live a life without the constant burden of his disability.

By contributing, you will allow him to reclaim his life, restore his dignity, and secure a bright future for his family. Kindly donate today and help Javaid walk again.


Disclaimer: Transparent Hands makes sure that all the patients get surgery in time. If a patient requires urgent surgery and his/her condition is serious, Transparent Hands conducts the surgery immediately. In the meantime, his/her campaign stays active on the website until we raise the complete funding. The hospitals on our panel have complete trust in us and wait for the payments until the patient's funding is completed.

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