Payment FAQ

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Your donation amount is sent directly to Transparent Hands so it immediately starts funding Transparent Hands patients’ surgeries.

Bank Account Title: “Transparent Hands Trust”
Bank Account Number: 220951896
Branch Code: 0635
IBAN Number: PK46 UNIL 0109 0002 2095 1896
Bank Address: United Bank Limited,Bank Square, Block C, Model Town Lahore, Pakistan.

Bank Account Title: “Transparent Hands Limited”
Bank Account Number: 03530868
Phone No: +44-7771-421655
Bank Name: Barclays
Sort Code: 20-51-08

IBAN Number: PK46 UNIL 0109 0002 2095 1896

When you donate certain amount to a campaign, you immediately receive a notification that your amount has been allocated to the campaign which you selected. Furthermore:

  • Donors get regular updates about the campaign for which they donated; medical procedure, surgical treatment or medical camp.
  • All the medical reports, hospital bills or other related documents of each patient are uploaded on the web site for everyone to see.
  • Donors who donate for the medical camp receive medical camp report which includes the number of patients treated in medical camp, services provided in the camp and other details.

Upon donation, you’ll receive confirmation that your contribution has been allocated to the chosen campaign. Additionally regular updates on the specific campaign’s progress will be provided.

Transparent Hands takes donors’ security very seriously and it makes sure that your payment information is secured whenever you donate through our system. Your debit/credit card information is not saved with us but only with your associated banks. When you donate us from outside Pakistan, your financial information is managed by STRIPE, which is a globally trusted online payment company.

Transparent Hands UK ensures the security of donors’ payment information. Your debit/credit card details are not stored with us but with your respective banks. All payment information is securely handled by globally trusted online payment companies like STRIPE or PayPal.

Banks may decline your card for a number of reasons. To ensure the safety of your financial information, Transparent Hands doesn’t receive any details about your card and why it was declined. Therefore, if your card is declined for any reason, please contact your card provider for further assistance.

Banks might decline your card for various reasons. To safeguard your financial information, Transparent Hands UK does not receive specific details about declined transactions. If your card is declined, kindly contact your card provider for further assistance.

Yes, donors receive updates on the specific campaigns they’ve supported. Transparent Hands UK provides detailed reports on the medical procedures, surgeries, or medical camps funded by their contributions, ensuring transparency in fund utilization through their donor dashboard.

Yes. Upon the successful completion of your donation, Transparent Hands UK automatically generates a donation receipt and sends it to the provided email address for your records.