Below are additional fields to be filled for U.K Gift Aid Form
Recurring Payment
Your Contribution Summary
Contributed Amount:
GBP 50.00/-
Processing Fee (2.987% + 30¢):
GBP 1.79/-
Total Payable Amount:
GBP 51.79/-
Please wait while your transaction is in progress...
Recurring Payment
Contribution Summary
Contributed Amount:
Processing Fee (1.99% + 49¢):
Total Payable Amount:
Please wait while your transaction is in progress...
Bank Account Title: "Transparent Hands Limited"
Bank Account Number: 03530868
Bank Name: Barclays
Sort Code: 20-51-08
Phone No: +44-7771-421655
In case of any query,regarding the processing fee which is
charged by UBL, you may contact on the following
E-mail address:
or call us +92 (42) 3520 1124-25 (Monday to Friday during 9am-5pm)
Your Contribution Summary
Contributed Amount:
Processing Fee (3.295%):
Total Payable Amount:
Bank Account Title: "Transparent Hands Limited"
Bank Account Number: 03530868
Bank Name: Barclays
Sort Code: 20-51-08
Phone No: +44-7771-421655
In case of any query,regarding the commitment process, you may contact on the following
E-mail address:
or call us +92-309-666-6025 (Monday to Friday during 9am-5pm)
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