Let’s Make Khola Sharif’s World Bright Again

Let’s Make Khola Sharif’s World Bright Again

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Khola Sharif's Story

Khola Sharif, a 76-year-old woman from Lahore, is suffering from cloudy and dim vision.  Her deteriorating vision has made it challenging for her to see obstacles while walking and her risk of falls has increased. Khola has lived a long life filled with precious moments but now her daily life has been impacted due to her diminished vision. Concerned about her condition, she consulted a doctor, who conducted some medical tests and diagnosed Khola with a cataract in her left eye. A cataract is the clouding of the natural lens of the eye. To enable her to see the world’s beauty again, the doctor advised left Phaco + IOL surgery. However, the surgical cost is overwhelming for Khola’s family.

Khola can’t perform her routine tasks and she needs support to navigate her surroundings. The cataract surgery is necessary for Khola. Otherwise, she may face a future of darkness. Her cataract may become worse and even lead to blindness.

Khola lives in a small brick house with her three family members. Her husband died a few years ago and her son is the sole breadwinner in the family. He is an employee in a private company and earns just PKR 25000 per month. With this meager monthly income, they hardly cover the utility bills and groceries. The surgical cost is far beyond their financial reach. During this time of need, Khola contacted Transparent Hands and asked us for help.

Khola said with tears in her eyes:

“I am scared to live my remaining life in darkness. I want to see the beauty of the things around me. Due to our financial hardships, we simply can’t afford the cost of the surgery. Please help us in this time of need.”

Khola desperately needs your support to overcome the challenges caused by her visual impairment. Her life will be filled with happiness and new hope if we provide her with the necessary cataract surgery.

You can bring light and hope into her life by contributing for her life-changing surgery. Donate now.

Disclaimer: Transparent Hands makes sure that all the patients get surgery in time. If a patient requires urgent surgery and his/her condition is serious, Transparent Hands conducts the surgery immediately. In the meantime, his/her campaign stays active on the website until we raise the complete funding. The hospitals on our panel have complete trust in us and wait for the payments until the patient's funding is completed.

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