The Best Charities for Women and Children in the UK

The Best Charities for Women and Children in the UK

The Best Charities for Women and Children in the UK

Do you know that around 8% of females in the world are likely to experience extreme poverty by 2030? Children, especially those who live in developing countries, are also facing many serious issues globally. According to a recent World Health Organization (WHO) report, approximately 4.9 million children under the age of 5 years die annually. To address these issues, many charities for children in the UK are extending support across the globe. If you want to join hands with organizations focused on children or charities for women in the UK, explore this list. 

Do you want to empower women with free surgeries? 

1:Transparent Hands:

Registered as a Gift Aid nonprofit organization in the UK, Transparent Hands provides free surgical and medical care to the needy. The charity helps thousands of women and children from disadvantaged backgrounds every year in Pakistan. Transparent Hands raises funds for their treatments through an online crowdfunding platform that allows donors from around the world to support the most deserving patients in Pakistan. Women and children belonging to underprivileged areas receive free consultations, medicines, and diagnostic tests at our medical camps. We also hold preventive healthcare sessions to educate them about various health issues. Transparent Hands is among the few charities for children in the UK that provide cochlear implant surgeries to the needy across Pakistan. Besides this, we support pediatric cardiac surgeries, cataract surgeries, C-sections, breast cancer surgeries, hysterectomy, mastectomy, and many other life-changing treatments.   

Are you ready to change the lives of children through cochlear implant surgery?

2: Being Woman UK:

It is counted among the best charities for women in the UK that focus on empowerment through education. Being Women UK believes that education is the right of all irrespective of caste, creed and community. They provide education, training and digital skills so that women can stand on their own feet. Their vision for the next 5 years is to help one million women prosper through education and innovation and become equal contributors to their respective economies. Through initiatives like GEMS, “I Can and I Will”, RAIN- Survive to Thrive and many other campaigns, this charity aims to liberate women across the globe.

3: BelEve:

The organization enables young women to learn and grow up to be independent, compassionate and articulate individuals. It has varied programs like book reading, discussions, writing and poetry fests, and opportunities that propagate the message of “Unity in Diversity” and so on. BelEve also has the resources to offer career advice, personal development tips, communication skills, hobbies, and digital empowerment. It encourages girls to study in the same classroom as boys and learn to voice their thoughts and opinions freely and without any fear. The aim of BelEve is to promote gender equality through the use of gender-neutral terms and by breaking stereotypes.

4: Bright Futures:

Many futures are blighted because of medical reasons. The organization provides educational aid to those children and youngsters (between ages 5-24) who have lost a lot of time and energy due to their medical conditions. As one of the top charities for children in the UK, Bright Futures typically supports youngsters who suffer from long-term illnesses, be it physical or mental. It raises money through crowdfunding, corporate fundraising, and event partnerships. 

5: Women’s Aid:

The unfortunate truth of many societies is that women and children become victims of domestic violence. Women’s Aid provides a helpline and counseling to help women decide whether they are experiencing abuse or not. The charity helps women take precautions and supports them with housing, etc., if they have decided to leave the person who is the perpetrator of violence against them. Domestic violence may not come only from spouses. but also other family members. Women’s Aid encourages women and children to talk about violence from these other perpetrators. Those with physical disabilities and mental health conditions (or both) are more susceptible to domestic violence. Women’s Aid encourages these vulnerable sections of the population to reach out to them. Consider including this organization in your list of the best charities for women in the UK. 

6: Action for Children:

According to this charity, with the cost-of-living crisis looming large in the UK, a large number of children become victims of poverty, neglect, abuse and homelessness. Therefore, this charity takes steps to provide deprived children with food, heating and other essentials. It places children in suitable foster homes or homes for children, which aren’t like typical orphanages. The organization also supports children and teenagers in dealing with anxiety and depression, and even enables young delinquents to start a new life. 

7: Save the Children:

Education is the right of every child, yet not all children get one due to poor socioeconomic conditions, wars, natural calamities, child marriages etc. As one of the leading charities for children in the UK, Save the Children provides quality education to the underprivileged. The organization also focuses on the education of girls, who face many barriers and challenges around the world. Apart from providing education to children, Save the Children also distributes food and medicines, and provides post-partum care to new mothers.

Uplift Low-Income Communities through Free Medical Camps

With so many children going to bed hungry, abused, neglected and deprived of a basic education, we must play our part in helping them step out of their suffering. It is the society’s responsibility to ensure that women can live safe, independent, and healthy lives. Therefore, we urge all donors to also contribute to some of the best charities for women in the UK. If you can only make a small contribution, remember that it is the little drops of water that make a mighty ocean. Give now.  

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The Top Children’s Charities in the UK

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