Uplift Muhammad Abbas’s Life With an Artificial Arm

Uplift Muhammad Abbas’s Life With an Artificial Arm

Zakat Eligible
27.462244725986% Complete (success)
£ 378.22 Required
£ 103.48 Raised
£ 274.74 Remaining

Muhammad Abbas's Story

Muhammad Abbas, a 23-year-old resident of Lahore, faced a challenging moment in his life. While working in the field, his right arm was crushed in a fodder machine. He was rushed to a nearby hospital and the doctors decided to amputate his right arm above the elbow. Life took a tragic turn for Abbas. Now, without his right arm, the once active and hardworking Abbas has become dependent on others, unable to perform even the simplest tasks. The doctor recommended a right-above-elbow prosthesis to regain his mobility and independence. However, the cost of this artificial arm is beyond his family’s financial reach.

Before the accident, Abbas supported his family by working on the farm. But since losing his arm, his ability to work has completely vanished. If he doesn’t get the prosthesis, he will remain unable to work and provide for his family. Due to dependency, his emotional state will continue to deteriorate.

Abbas lives in a modest rented brick house with his four family members. Abbas’s father died a few years ago. Now, he is dependent on his two brothers for living expenses. They are daily wage laborers and earn PKR 40,000 monthly. The family hardly manages the house rent of PKR 7500, in addition to the utility bills adding up to PKR 2000 and other living expenses. Due to their financial constraints, they can’t afford to pay for Abbas’ much-needed prosthetic arm.

With hope in his heart, Abbas reached out to Transparent Hands and asked us for help. Abbas said in despair:

“I feel like I’ve lost everything. Without my arm, I can’t work or even participate in physical activities. All I want is a chance to live a normal life again, but I can’t do that without your help. Kindly support me in getting the artificial arm.”

An arm prosthesis would give Abbas the ability to regain his independence. It would allow him to return to work and restore his autonomy to carry out routine tasks. This is where we need your support.

By giving him the chance to get a prosthetic arm, you’re not only restoring his ability to work but also offering him a future where he can thrive once more. Please open your hearts and help Abbas.

Disclaimer: Transparent Hands makes sure that all the patients get surgery in time. If a patient requires urgent surgery and his/her condition is serious, Transparent Hands conducts the surgery immediately. In the meantime, his/her campaign stays active on the website until we raise the complete funding. The hospitals on our panel have complete trust in us and wait for the payments until the patient's funding is completed.

 Fatima Farooq

Donated: £ 102.48

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: £ 1

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