Ansar Needs an Artificial Arm

Ansar Abbas's Story
Ansar Abbas, a 28-year-old resident of Lahore, had his right arm crushed in a fodder machine. He was rushed to the hospital’s emergency room and received first aid. Later on, his arm turned gangrenous and mummified. The doctors tried their level best, but they could not save his arm and had to amputate it. Now, the doctor advised him to get an artificial arm.
Ansar needs an artificial arm to regain his sense of independence and restore the shape of his arm. With an artificial arm, he can easily complete daily tasks and feel more confident in his life. The prosthetic limb will allow him to reclaim his sense of self-esteem and dignity, which were lost after the amputation.
Ansar and his parents live in a rented house in Lahore. His father works as a security guard and earns 12,000 PKR per month, while Ansar earns 15,000 PKR per month as a street fruit vendor. However, due to the high monthly rent of 8,000 PKR, and other daily expenses, his family struggles to make ends meet. Ansar cannot afford an artificial arm on his own.
Ansar said in despair:
“Losing my arm serves as a daily, distressing reminder of what I’ve lost. Every day is a difficult struggle for me. I need your financial assistance to pay for an artificial arm.”
He visited Transparent Hands and submitted the required documents to register his case. We are determined to provide him with a prosthetic limb. Without your help, we will be unable to raise the necessary funds. Ansar needs a right below elbow prosthesis to regain his sense of independence. With your help, we can provide him with the artificial arm he needs to live a fulfilling and independent life. He will feel free and confident because he can easily complete daily tasks with this arm.
Disclaimer: Transparent Hands makes sure that all the patients get surgery in time. If a patient requires urgent surgery and his/her condition is serious, Transparent Hands conducts the surgery immediately. In the meantime, his/her campaign stays active on the website until we raise the complete funding. The hospitals on our panel have complete trust in us and wait for the payments until the patient's funding is completed.

Donated: £ 100

Fatima Farooq
Donated: £ 62.93

Ali Chaudhry
Donated: £ 48.21

Hope Rehabilitation Center
Donated: £ 44.24

Qirsa Rasheed
Donated: £ 1

Emergency Funds US
Donated: £ 0
Ansar Abbas's Story
Ansar Abbas, a 28-year-old man from Lahore, lost his right arm below the elbow while working in the field. He went to a nearby hospital where a doctor performed a thorough examination and had to amputate his right arm below the elbow. Ansar’s life turned upside down when he learned that he would have to live without his right arm for the rest of his life. Since the day of amputation, he has faced a lot of hardships and challenges. His doctor recommended a below-elbow prosthesis to improve his quality of life. Unfortunately, the cost of the prosthesis was beyond his financial reach.
Living in a modest rented house with his four family members, Ansar struggled to make ends meet. He worked as a street fruit vendor and his father was a security guard. Ansar’s amputation took a toll on his physical and emotional well-being. The family’s monthly income was just PKR 27000 per month. With this meager monthly income, they barely managed to cover their house rent in addition to the utility bills as well as groceries. The cost of the prosthesis was overwhelming and out of their financial reach. During this challenging time, Ansar decided to contact Transparent Hands. After knowing about his situation, we promptly registered his case.
On 25th October 2024, Ansar’s below elbow prosthesis was fitted at Hope Rehabilitation Centre in Lahore. It was done under the supervision of Dr. Khalid Niaz. Ansar said with teary eyes:
“I had been feeling depressed for a long time since losing my arm. After receiving this artificial arm, the quality of my life has improved. Words can’t describe how grateful I am. I thank you for supporting me.”
We are grateful to you for helping Ansar and making a significant difference in his life. Your generosity can never be forgotten.